What You Need to Know About Medicare Part A in 2022

Dec 29, 2023 By Susan Kelly

In the United States, Medicare is the country's national health insurance programme. A person can acquire Medicare coverage if they are 65 or older or have a pre-existing medical condition, such as diabetes. Parts A, B, C, and D of Medicare are administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. If a person is hospitalized, Medicare Part A helps cover the costs.

What is Part A of Medicare?

Those 65 and older who are covered by Medicare Part A are eligible for hospital coverage. The sections of Medicare were envisioned as an array by the program's founders. For a hospital stay, you'd always be covered under Part A. There are additional components of Medicare that you can pick from if you don't have private insurance.

The Medicare Part A benefit may begin as soon as you reach the age of 65, so you don't have to wait until you're retired to enrol. Private insurance (such as that provided by an employer) and Medicare are popular options.

Medicare Part A coverage

Part A of Medicare covers the following services, with a few exceptions:


When you've been admitted to the hospital, this covers any tests or treatments you may require.

Limited homecare

After a hospital stay, Medicare will pay for medically essential care provided by a home health aide while you recuperate.

Hospice care

Medicare will pay for most of your medical expenses if you choose hospice care over other treatment options for a terminal disease.

Short-term skilled nursing care

Medicare will cover your stay and services in a skilled nursing facility for a set period if you need it. Meals, nursing care, physical therapy, and medications prescribed by a doctor are all included in inpatient hospital care.

For the most part, Medicare Part A only covers the costs of an emergency department visit if you are admitted to the hospital by a physician. Medicare Part B or your private insurance may cover the charges if you are not accepted and sent home by a doctor.

What Is Not Covered Under Medicare Part A?

Medicare Part A does not cover all of a patient's hospital expenses, which must be understood. Part A does not address the following topics:

3-pints of blood

You may not be responsible for fees if a hospital uses your blood. If a hospital needs to obtain specialized blood for you, you may be responsible for the cost.

Private rooms

Inpatient care involves a stay in a semiprivate room, but you are not entitled to a private room while receiving medical treatment.

Long-term care

In an acute sickness or accident, only Part A will be utilized. If you require long-term care, such as that provided by a nursing home, you will be responsible for the cost of that care.

What Is The Price of Medicare Part A?

Medicare taxes are paid by your employer (or yourself, if you work as a self-employed person) when you are working. Medicare Part A is free at age 65 if you or your spouse worked for ten years and paid Medicare taxes.

No, it doesn't mean that anyone can stroll into a hospital and get free treatment. You must pay a deductible for inpatient care under Medical Part A. This is $1,556 per benefit period in 2022.

Part A can still be purchased even if you don't automatically qualify for free Part A. If you've worked fewer than 30 quarters, your Part A premium for 2022 will be $499 per month. It would cost $274 in Medicare taxes if you paid them for the next 30 to 39 quarters.

Is There Additional Medicare Coverage For Hospitalization?

Portion A isn't the only part of Medicare; there are also B, C, and D. Other portions of the body are not required for you or a loved one to use. There is a monthly fee for each of them. The following are some examples of the kind of services that fall under each category:

Part B

Outpatient services such as doctor visits, medical equipment, diagnostic tests, and other outpatient services are partially covered by Medicare Part B.

Part C.

Part C (Medicare Advantage) provides coverage for sections A and B of the Medicare programme. Some plans may also offer a range of dental and eye care. In most cases, these plans require a referral from a primary care physician who is in-network with the insurance company.

Part D

There is a Medicare Part D programme that pays for prescription medications. There is a fee for this coverage, much like Medicare Parts B and C. Private insurers provide a variety of Part D plans, each with its own set of benefits.


If you've recently turned 65 or are about to turn 65 and are unfamiliar with the Medicare system, it might be not easy to find your way around. Fortunately, you have a wide range of options at your disposal, including the internet, telephone, and your local office of Social Security. These sites are a good place to begin if you have a specific query.

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