What Exactly is Direct Tax and Why Should You Learn About It?

Mar 15, 2024 By Triston Martin

This article will help you learn exactly what a direct tax is. We also will discuss why paying it is good for the economy. Understanding how it can help you understand IRS direct pay is essential. Finally, what other taxes are included in it? You must understand how long does it take for state tax refund direct deposit if you know what a Direct tax actually is.

What is a Direct Tax?

You pay direct tax when paying taxes on your income, certain assets, and properties to the government. The most common type of direct tax is

  • Income tax
  • property tax, personal or real.
  • Taxes on assets

This is the tax the government imposes on you, and you have to make an IRS direct pay. You cannot levy it on other entities. Many companies or businesses increase the cost of their service or product to offset this tax and maintain their profit.

This tax is based on the "ability to pay principle," which states that you should be taxed more if you can make a profit and afford to utilize better resources. Whether you pay from your profits and earnings or increase the cost of your goods or services, you still have to pay the government the amount.

The primary reason behind any tax is for the government to generate revenue. The government does this to help the quality of life of its citizens grow.

Good Examples of Direct Tax

To help you better understand this tax type, we can take examples of a corporate tax. One example is a manufacturing company that will pay corporate taxes.

This company has a total earnings of $400,000. It earned $500,000 in revenue by selling its goods and services. This company had to pay around $100,000 to operate the business. This $400k amount is a simple calculation that doesnt include the amount of tax they need to pay, the interest they incur, any depreciation on their goods, and finally, EBITDA.

The simple direct tax calculation is as follows:

$400,000 x 0.21 (corporate tax rate) = $84,000

The manufacturing concern will now have to pay the government $84,000 as a direct tax. The same is true for salaried people who have to pay $20,000 on their income of $100,000 as direct taxation.

Different percentages and calculation methods are used to pay property tax, sales tax, and income taxes. Please visit the IRS website for more information about these taxes.

What is Tax Provision and State Apportionment?

These taxes and terms can be pretty complex. It is always good to seek the help of a tax professional to make correct calculations.

Understanding Tax Provisions

Simply put, it is the amount you are designed to pay your government, whether state or federal. This amount will be paid based on your current year's earnings and assets.

In this case, the primary concern a taxpayer has to contend with is updating knowledge about law changes, the time it takes, and data collection. You can either hire a tax professional or use software to calculate it.

Understanding State Apportionment

This is the amount of tax that you must pay in the state in which your business operates. It can vary based on appropriation and the state's representation in the Senate. If your business operates in more than one state, it can become complex because you must contend with many things simultaneously.

This complexity comes from calculating your employees' payrolls, the property or business you own, and the number of sales you make. Remember to factor in the variance of each state your business operates in and keep track of all this information.

Again, it is better to utilize a calculation tool or hire a professional to keep up with the pace of what to consider and add to the calculation.

Direct Vs. Indirect Tax

As you have read above in this article, direct taxation is something an entity, a person, or a company must pay to the government because the government levied on them. The significant difference between indirect tax is that you can charge this tax to the customer down the supply chain.

You can levy your tax on the customer if you provide services or goods to someone else. The final consumer will have to pay this tax, but the entity or business will still pay this tax to the government. Also, indirect tax is regressive and will be uniformly distributed the further down the supply chain you are.

Here are some common points to make sense of it in the overview.

Direct Taxes

  • the individual or entities are eligible to pay.
  • The amount you need to pay is proportional to

your earnings.

  • It is a form of a progressive tax.
  • You cannot transfer it to others and must pay to the government.
  • The most common examples are income, corporate, and property tax.

Indirect Taxes

  • Paid for goods and services that you provide.
  • The calculation is based on the services and goods that you provide.
  • It is regressive, not progressive.
  • You can transfer the levy onto the customer.
  • The most common examples are GST, VAT, customs, and tariffs.

Final Words

In this article, we discussed direct tax and why individuals and entities need to pay them properly. There are several nuances when calculating the state-to-state and federal amounts. The best approach is to consult a tax professional or use a technical calculator to help you develop a proper figure.

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